The next group of names can be taken to be representing Mother in a personal relationship with humanity, families and individuals. This is the idea of reality and is best conveyed by the name Chidagni-Kunda-Sambhootaa(चिदग्निकुण्डसंभूता)The reality is felt when one has the thing before one's eyes. The word Sambhootaa ( sprung up ) is indicative of the reality of Mother's taking interest, in the smallest details of whatever affects Her worshippers and devotees especially This idea has been summed up in the rendering " The beck and call Mother."
Gujarati Mai-ists are recommended to read Mai-Smriti, which describes the Founder's experience of Mother as the beck and call Mother, summarised in three hundred names e.g., sickness-bed-attendant Mother.
Late Brother Kantilal Bhogilal Desai, a great devotee of Mother, to whose relations with different saints, a good deal of the spread of Mother Movement is due, expressed his considered opinion based on his own experience, that his uplift in the devotional realm was the outcome of his selecting Mai-Smriti for his daily repetitions.
This little compilation has a great sublimating efficacy for them that have full faith in the possibility of the relationship between Mother and Her devotee being as a concrete as between a living human mother in flesh and the son.
(96) Kula-sanketa-paalini कुलसंकेतपालिनी - The protector of the secrets of the scriptures, the Protector of fame and the Protector during temporary sufferings as a result of right conduct and virtue being crushed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 91
Kula means the scripture, She keeps the secret of the scriptures. This means that, although the scriptures are read, nothing is achieved or understood without Her grace or that of the Guru.
Kula also means family, and right conduct; Mother also keeps the secrets of the failings of Her devotees,i.e., keeps up their honour before the world, so long as they are forgivable and unrepeated blunders.
Kula also means the collection of Chakras, etc., but enough has been said on that subject for the present and here the names referring to Kula are taken in the other sense.
(97) Kaulini कौलिनी -Belonging to families. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 94
Because She is worshipped in every house." Mother is to be worshipped in every place, town, house, village and forest by men who are devoted to Her ".
" Kula means Shakti, and Akula means Shiva, and union of Kula with Akula is called Kaulaa. As Kaulini, Mai therefore also suggests the greatest blessedness on Conjugal joint and mutual worship on Mai Days, as She creates sacrificing and self-surrendering love between husband and wife."
(98) Kula-anganaa कुलांगना -The chaste family woman who is the family-Saviour.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 92
Kula the chaste family. Mother is the protector of womanhood and chastity of ladies that belongs to high families. The meaning is that the chastity-vowed respectable women are well protected in any emergency, especially against assaulters, by Mother.
(99) Kulaantas-thaa कुलान्तस्था - She that stands by Her devotee's family or by the side of all women and men of right conduct up to the end, and who finally rewards them.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 93
(100) Kula-yogini कुलयोगिनी - She that incorporates one desirous of being incorporated, in Mother's family of Her devotees and sons.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 95
Kulaachaar also means offering worship, etc. to a chakra a geometrical figure mentally inscribed in ether or a metal plate. But as stated before, that meaning should not be thought of, in this set of names, of a different field of Mother's action.
She is called Kulayogini because She is connecting members of the family in a tie.
(101) Akulaa अकुला -Having no Kula. She that does not judge human beings by births and families, but by their intrinsic worth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 96
(102) Samayaan-tasthaa समयान्तस्था - She that stands by the side of Her devotees in worst times, and when he is undergoing pains to leave this body, or She that resides in the heart of one, who extends equality to all. Sama सम means equality and ya य means he who attends it. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 97
(103) Samaya-achaara-tat-paraa समयाचारतत्परा - She that is ready to accept and be satisfied with the poorest and most incomplete and meagre rituals, which the devotee is able to observe serving at the right moment, as best as he can. Mother is most merciful while considering his capacities, circumstances, times and conditions. Just as Kaulaachaar कौलाचार is kind of worship, so is Samayaachaar समयाचार. The former is worshipping Mother in Chakras mentally produced in the ether. The latter is worshipping Mother in the ether of the heart itself.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 98
As per Mother's Ideal, Kulaachaar कुलाचार is the practice, in one's dealing with all, of a demeanour which proceeds from the belief that we are all of one (Kula कुल) family and Samayaachaar is the higher practice of seeing sameness and dealing out treatment of equality and justice to all.
This name also means She that is anxious to see that Her devotee's demeanour to all is uniformity, justice, oneness, sameness and equality. Samay समय means worship or time and Aachaar अाचार means behaviour. Mother's own behaviour also during worship is one of very great impatience, to somehow finish up the rituals and very quickly enter into personal relations of equality, of Mother and Son or God and devotee, with Her devotees.
Thus in the field of worship, he who worships by imaging Mother as standing in a geometrical figure, outside in the ether, is Kaulaachaari कौलाचारी whereas he who worships by creating the image of Mother as centred in his own heart is a Samayaachaari समयाचारी.
In the field of the outer world, he who extends the relations and treatment of equality, sameness and oneness to others is a Kaulaachaari कौलाचारी, whereas he who is prepared to take matters as they befall with self-surrendering spirit is a Samayaachaari समयाचारी.
To express the above by a link, Kaulaachaari is represented by " Love All and Serve All" and Samayaachaari, by " with unconditional self-surrender" and both of them are commonly connected with "Devote yourself to Mother".
(104) Mahaa-Sakti महासक्ति - Greatly attached to and possessed with a craving for, Her devotees.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 109
She is so much devoted to Her devotees that She is actually almost mad after them, so to say, infatuated with them. Aasakti means craving.
Jaya Maai, Mother Bless All.
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