Monday, May 12, 2014

Names 86 to 95

After describing the outer form of Mother (the physical and the subtle ) Her subtlest form Kundalini  (in the body) is now described.
Kundalini or the Serpentine Power in the Mulaadhaara Chakra मूलाधार चक्र at the lower end of the spinal cord, sleeping in three and a half coils , when roused rushes upwards and breaks through the six chakras as well as the three knots called Brahma, Vishnu & Rudragranthis, along the spinal cord and proceeding to the Sahasraar Chakra सहस्रार चक्र in the head, causes the nectar therefrom to flow.
Even those who are not yogis, attain all these advantages by mere single minded  devotional self-absorption.
(86) Kundalini कुण्डलिनी -  Serpentine Power. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 110
Kundala means coiled and hence Kundalini means what is coiled. Its own form is like a coiled serpent.
" The shining(Tejas तेजस) vital energy(Jivashakti जीव शक्ति), which is the manifestation of life (Praana प्राण), is called Kundalini. This resides in the center of the flames of fire of Mulaadhaara Chakra. She is sleeping like a serpent, having three (and a half) coils , radiant and she is ever hissing in the centre of Sushumna the central passage of the spinal cord, where She resides.
(87) Kula-amritaika-rasikaa कुलामृतैकरसिका - She has special fondness for the nectar of Kula. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 90
" It is not that She is fond of drinking nectar, but She is fond of giving a nectar shower or a nectar bath," to Her truest devotees children.
" The Shakti called Kundalini in the form of a serpent, beautiful, fine as a lotus fibre, resides in the Mulaadhaara , biting the pericarp of the Mulaadhaara , which is like the pericarp of a lotus, with its tail in its mouth."
Seated comfortably, the aspirant should force the breath upwards. By the compression of the breath, or by devotion and meditation, the fire within blazes up.By the force of this blaze, Kundalini wakes up and breaks through the knots as well as the six lotuses. This energy reaches the Sahasraar-chakra and the ecstatic condition then experienced is known as the supreme state (para परा), and is the cause of the final beatitude.
(88) Mulaa-dhaaraika-nilayaa मूलाधारैकनिलया - Chiefly residing in the Mulaadhaara.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 99
This means that in most of the bodies, the central passage through the Sushumna is entirely closed.

(89) Tadillataa-sama-ruchih तडिल्लतासमरूचिः - Brilliant and speedy as the lightning flash, in Her passage from Mulaadhaar to Sahasraar.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 107
(90) Brahma-granthi-vibhedini ब्रह्मग्रन्थिविभेदिनी -Severing he knot called Brahmagranthi.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 100
There are six chakras and three knots on the passage. 
The nectar flowing from the Sahasraar सहस्रार is called Kulaamrita कुलामृत. In everybody at the bottom of the spinal cord, there is a cavity in which Kundalini कुण्डलिनी resides.There are three passages along the spinal cord from near anus to the brain.The two passages on the sides are open for all, through which breathing takes place.The central one is closed for all, except for yogis and Devotees.A Yogi opens up the central passage and gets Kundalini to rise in this passage by the Praanaayam प्राणायाम i.e. scientific breathing practice and other methods and in a scientific way.The devotee only experiences , that rushing of the Kundalini has happened when the phenomena of the Bliss and unconsciousness take place. When the devotee experiences the highest ecstasy, the Kundalini has been in the Sahasraar (brain) and the nectar has been flowing.
(91) Vishnu-granthi-vibhedini विष्णुग्रन्थिविभेदिनी - Severing the knot called Vishnugranthi. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 102

(92) Rudra-granthi-vibhedini रूद्रग्रन्थिविभेदिनी - Severing the knot called Rudragranthi.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 104
These knots are named, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudragranthis. The earth and water elements with the two chakras Mulaadhaar and Svaadhisthaan are indicated by Brahmagranthi. The next two powerful and shining elements are fire and sun;   these with the two chakras of Manipur and Anaahat are indicated by Vishnugranthi. The next two elements in the form of air and ether with the two chakras of Vishudhhi विशुध्दी and Aajnaa आज्ञा are indicated by the Rudragranthi.
Those that are fortunate enough to have these knots severed, i.e., pierced, through by Kundalini, rise above all the overpowering and impurifying influences of the particular elements and have the control of everything that is capable of being done , as a result of the full control of these elements. It is by this method that the siddhis or  supernatural powers and wonderfully mighty benefits and experiences are attained.
(93) Shat-chakro-pari-sams-thitaa षट्-चक्रोपरिसंस्थिता - Residing above the six chakras.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 108
Samsthitaa संस्थिता (Residing); residing above the six chakras , viz., Mulaadhaara,Svaadhishthaan,Manipura, Anaahat,Vishuddhi and Aajnaa.
(94) Sahasraara-ambuja-arudhaa सहस्राराम्बुजारूढा - Having ascended the thousand petalled lotus.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 105

(95) Sudhaa-saaraabhi-varshini सुधासाराभिवर्षिणी - Showering down torrents of ambrosia.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 106

When the devotee rises to the understanding of his Godlessness (?) as he feels it, when he gets extremely uneasy and discontented, when his desire to be nearer Mother becomes extremely intensified, when there is burning fire of painfulness due to separation, then in the case of the devotee, the working is not through the scientific yogic process of Praanaayaam breathing,etc. What takes place in the case of devotee is this: Considering that Her child is ignorant of the yoga methods, Mother Herself as Kundalini wakes up and rises, in the central passage Herself , as if driven to the necessity of rising, due to the pressure of the devotee's desire, and finally deluges him with nectar.

As stated in the introduction page, Sahasraar is the nectar lake, to which Mother takes Her child (the devotional soul) for an ambrosia bath, when the child gets restless and craves for the swim-bath-sport with playful Mother and violently shakes from sleep.

The rising of Kundalini is the commencement of the manifesting of the unmanifested Mother and She is in the highest manifested form when She reaches Sahasraar सहस्रार.In the path from just manifested to highest manifested, there are three stations of action and three of rest. That of action is described as of the breaking of the knot.So that three times Mother is Mahaa Raajni the valiant Mother, and thrice Sinhaasaneshvari. In Mulaadhaar,She is ShreeMaataa full of mercy to raise the devotee from ignorance and misery, and in Sahasraar, She is Nijaaruna-prabhaapura-majjat-brahmaanda-mandalaa, i.e., deluging the devotee in the shower of Life, Light and Love.Rising from Mulaadhaar, She breaks the spell of the creative energy, which is doing the work in the universe, of breaking the unity into multiplicity. When that creative energy is vanquished , the vanquished, as is usual,naturally becomes the ally of the devotee and makes a friendly present of control over whatever relates to its dominion. Further, when Mother is taking a slight rest, She is worshipped by the devotee, for what She has done fore him. Again She breaks the spell of the differentiating energy, which is doing the work of keeping the different relationships of the multiplicities , and this vanquished also becomes the ally. Again She is worshipped during rest, and then again She breaks the spell of the final energy, which helps the work of bringing the multiplicity to unity and creates oneness of manifoldness, for Her devotee. After this is done, She is in Her highest joy in Sahasraar.
To repeat,Mother is Shree Maataa in the Mulaadhaar Chakra and Nijaaruna-prabhaapura-majjat-brahmaanda-mandalaa in the Sahasraar Chakra. She is the unmanifested and the highest manifested Mother in the two centers respectively.In Mulaadhaar She begins to be the Mahaa-raajni, the valiant Heroic Fighting Queen with activity and She thus , alternately in six centres Mahaa-Raajni and Shree-mat-Sinhaasaneshvari. Thus between the two functions of as Merciful Mother and Mother who endows the devotee with Light, Life and Love, She is alternately the fighting Queen Mother, and the worshipped giving-what-the-devotee-wants Mother. 
Breaking the knot means breaking the spell and includes three processes,viz., (1) conquering the opposition due to a certain energy; (2) understanding it and (3) utilizing it to one's elevation.

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