Up till now what has been described is Her physical form and now we come to Her subtle form. As "Sinhaasaneshvari"
सिंहासनेश्वरी She is giving boons from a distance in an unknown and royal way. This is done by Her subtle form which is Mantra-made and by Her most secret form of Kundalini कुण्डलिनी known as Serpentine Power residing in every human body. Sinhaasana सिंहासन is also a Mantra. The latter secret forms are described in the names of the next group E. Here in group D, the subtle form which is inseparable from Her physical form is described.
(81) Srimat-vaagbhava-kutaika-svarupa-mukha-pankajaa
श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटैकस्वरूपमुखपंकजा - Her Lotus Face represents the divine Vaagbhava group ( a group of syllables in the pancha-dashi mantra).ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 85
The Panchadashi Mantra पंचदशी मंत्र has three portions, the first of which corresponds to the topmost portion of the Mother's physical body,viz., the face. Shrimat (divine) श्रीमत means having the power of conferring wisdom and other exalted powers. Vaagabhava means that by which a person attains the power of speech. The Vaagbhava-kuta वाग्भवकूट is the group of five syllables,viz., ka, e, i, la, hrim. ( क, ए, ई, ल, ह्रीं )
(82) Kanthaadha-kati-paryanta-madhya-kuta-svarupini
कण्ठाधःकटिपर्यन्तमध्यकूटस्वरूपिणी - The central portion from the throat to the waist represents the Madhyakuta. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 86
Madhyakuta is called Kaamaraaja-kuta कामराजकूट also as (Kaama) the desire to liberate Her devotees resides in Mother's heart. This kuta has a group of six syllables,viz., ha, sa, ka, ha, la, hrim. ( ह, स, क, ह, ल, ह्रीं )
(83) Shakti-kutaika-taapanaa-katyadho-bhaaga-dhaarini
शक्तिकूटैकतापन्नकट्यधोभागधारिणी - The lower portion from the waist downwards represents Shaktikuta.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 87
This is a group of four syllables, viz., sa, ka, la, hrim.( स, क, ल, ह्रीं )
Thus the first group of Mantras represents - Mother's portion from head to chin, the face and knowledge, and is called Vaag-Bhava-Kuta and contains five letters, viz. ka, e, i, la, hrim.
The second group represents Mother's portion from throat to waist and heart and desire, and is called Kaam-Raaja-Kuta or Madhya-Kuta and consists six letters, viz., ha,sa, ka, ha, la, hrim.
The third group represents Mother's portion from waist to toe, Lotus Feet and action, and is called Shakti-Kuta. The group contains four letters, viz., sa, ka, la, hrim.
Please note that, Vaagabhava Kuta is connected with Mantra repetition, Kaam-Raaja-Kuta with devotion and Shakti-Kuta with service, love and self-surrender to the Lotus Feet.
The first is connected with knowledge, the second with devotion and the third with Yoga ( Supernatural powers- Shakti) and complete self-surrender or love. The first with head, the second with heart and the third with Mulaadhaar Chakra and Lotus Feet.
Thus Mother's Grace flows prominently along the paths of Knowledge, Devotion, Yoga and Love.No aspirant is purely of one type. Generally, there is simultaneous progress, more or less on all allied planes of spiritual evolution, though sometimes knowledge and devotion are alternately in preponderance and though some are natural achievements and some acquired ones.
So often there have been strong disputes as to the superiority of one to another, and I have been so often questioned that I would record my views here, though this is not the right place. In the first place although some are called Devotees भक्त, some Jnaanis ज्ञानी some Yogis योगी and some God-lovers प्रेमी, it is seldom that anyone is the only achievement. We fancifully give exclusive names after the most prominent achievement.
The simplest view is to have very clear definitions and very appropriate diagnosis. To explain by an illustration, in the case of a father fondling a child and the mother neglecting the child, one should not commit the blunder of arriving at a universal conclusion that every father loves a child more than the mother. It should, however, be clearly seen that a particular father is rather a mother and a particular mother is rather a father. The error should be located correctly.
Going by essence and not by conclusions wrongly made from wrong premises about the lives, names and achievements of certain personalities, these distinctions should be viewed thus. A Jnaani ज्ञानी is one who knows the smallest detail everything including how to attain God and salvation. A devotee is extremely desirous of being in accompaniment with God. A yogi is a practitioner of visualising
God with Glory and Power. Finally, the lover is the enjoyer and desirous of being one with God.
In a word jnanin tells you how to get, an inferior devotee (Guana Bhakta -गौण भक्त ) desires to get, a yogi gets a stealthy glimpse by effort, a superior devotee or a God-lover
(Paraa-Bhakta परा भक्त) is happy extremely with believing God to be as it were in his possession. The God-lover first swallows up God and then gets himself swallowed up by God. The Founder often prays " Oh, Mother, I have first imprisoned thee in my heart and then handed over myself to Thee as Thy prisoner to be done with as Thou desirest."
(84) Mula-mantraat-mikaa मूलमंत्रात्मिका - She is the root Mantra itself. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 88
Mula means root. This is the fifteen-syllabled mantra known as Panchadashi पंचदशी मन्त्र. This Panchadashi Mantra is ka,e,i,la,hrim,|| ha,sa,ka,ha,la,hrim || sa,ka,la, hrim ||
[ क ए ई ल ह्रीं । ह स क ह ल ह्रीं । स क ल ह्रीं । ] The three portions are called Kutas.
She is the soul of all mantras. This means that mere repetition without love and faith does not give the desired result just as a lifeless body can help in no way. A further meaning sought to be conveyed by some Mai-ists, who have tried so many other Mantras, is that Her sacred name Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai जय माई जय मार्कण्ड माई has by repetition given more efficacious and quicker result than so many other mantras.
Mai-ist should not, however, jump to this Mantra. But first practice Mai(माई), next Jai Mai (जय माई), next Aum Shrim Jay Mai (ॐ श्रीं जय माई), next Aim Shreem Jay Mai ( एें श्रीं जय माई), then Aim Klim Sauhoo (एें क्लीं सौः). When he begins to see in dreams a beautiful park with beautifully carved out roads, and feels the joys of spring with peacocks, cuckoos, etc. therein, and when Mother in the form of a young girl within teens is seen playing with Her maids with a flower ball or in company with some devotees of Mother or any other enjoying position, it should be understood that the achievement of the Mantra has been fully perfected ( Siddha सिध्द).
Some Mai-ists even without a preliminary idea see in a dream Mother in the relieving posture over a couch supported by four legs which show movement. Some see a big hall with hundreds of most beautiful maids, surrounding a throne on which Mother is seen seated. Each dream has its own significance and is generally indicative of the stage of the devotee who dreams.
I do not mind being called Blind-faithed but I give these details because I wish a religion to be spoken of with a scientific and precise accuracy. I am sick of over-exaggeration and falsehood in a matter of religion and religious experiences. The conclusions can be bombarded with any new theories or beliefs to the contrary, but experiences themselves would not leave any room for discredited.
"Aim"एें increases mutual love between devotee and Mother, as that
between Mother and son. Repetition of Aim, Aim, Aim will become Mai, Mai, Mai, Mother, Mother, Mother". Shreem श्रीं will give prosperity, Hrim ह्रीं will make the devotee feel ashamed of what he is and will confer knowledge, on realising that he is unworthy, wicked and ignorant. Klim क्लीं will give him attractive power. Aim एें will perfect his love to Mother, Klim क्लीं will perfect his love to the universe and Sauhoo will establish an identity between him and all and Mother.
Considered from the point of evolution, AIM एें means fattered soul or JIVA. Hrim ह्रीं is knowledge or Vidya or Mother's Grace and Klim क्लीं means liberated soul, full of love for all.
Thus, between the fattered soul and liberated soul, there is only one thing, viz. the bashful young mother's Grace. The idea is very clear from (1) Jivah, Shivah, Shivo, Jeevah; (2) Sah, Jeevah, Sah, Sadaashivah; (3) Paasha, Baddah, Sadaajivah; (4)Paasha, Mukta Sadaashivah. A fettered soul is (will be) liberated soul. Liberated soul is (was)fettered soul. The soul that has been bound up by Mother by Her noose is ever fettered (in spite of any efforts of himself and others). The soul which is delivered from the noose is forever a liberated soul in the end, even if there are ups and downs.
A Jeeva जीव or a soul means a person possessed with the idea of egoism, who believes himself to be the sole director of the eight groups, viz.,(Puryashtaka), (1) five organs of action; (2) five organs of knowledge;(3)five vital airs; (4) Manas, Buddhi, Chitta,and Ahankaar ( explained before); (5) five elements, (6) assets and liabilities of actions and reactions Karma; (7) desires and emotions, Karma and (8) on the top of everything ignorance, imperfection and controlledness, i.e., Avidyaa (अविद्या).
By extinction of attachment, the idea of his embodiment is destroyed, and by relinquishing the idea that he is the director of the eight groups above described, he gets over egotism.
When the Jeeva is released from egotism and even embodiment and is beyond any influence of the cause for embodiment and of the elements embodying him, he becomes Shiva or self-realised or Mukta or freed.
It is on the strength of this absolute truth that Mai-ists advocate no hate, no envy, no superiority complex. A Mai-ist must have been the most sensitive balance for judging his own actions thoughts and desires, but when he views others, he must have this view," The highest saint of today might have been the greatest devil of yesterday. The difference between the highest and lowest man is nothing compared to what Mother's Grace can do."
A mantra is derived from man (मन) repetition and tra (त्र)protection and means that it protects those who repeat it.
(85) Mula-kuta-traya-kale-varaa मूलकूटत्रयकलेवरा - possessing the body consisting of the three divisions of the root (Mantra).ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 89
Jaya Mai, Mother Bless All.
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