Sunday, May 25, 2014

Names 119 to 130


In the last name group, it has been shown, how Mother is pleased with devotion and how She confers happiness and success on Her devotees. In this group, the subject is dealt with in detail, showing how Mother is fully busy with bringing about the development of virtues and all qualities, that are necessary for spiritual progress, to deify Her devotees. These names fall in the category of Deva-kaarya-samudyata or Bhakta-kaarya-samudyataa i.e., Busy with making Her devotees godly.
It need not be suggested that when Mother is described as " Stainless", it means that She brings about the stainlessness of the devotee. This view which has been already formerly stated should be fully kept in mind while interpreting these names to appreciate them.

(119) Nityaa नित्या -Eternal. She that makes the discriminating faculty of Her devotees permanently in rhyme with eternal  truths and stabilised.ललिताहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 136

Though creations are not permanent, their ruler, the Mother, is permanent. This name Justifies the rejection of the theory of those who say that everything and all is imaginary or at least momentary. ( Kshanika-vijnaana-vaada 
क्षणैकविज्ञानवाद ). The Laws are eternal.

(120) Niraakaaraa निराकारा - Without form. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 137
This, in another sense, means having infinite forms. Mother is neither a Devi, nor a Deva nor a Daitya, nor a human being nor an animal, nor a woman, nor a man, nor an insect, nor quality, nor existence nor non-existence. Mother is that infinite which remains after all negation.

(121) Nitya-shuddhaa नित्यशुध्दा - Ever pure.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 148
Whereas the creation is very impure, The Supreme Dweller therein is very pure. Mother similarly keeps Her devotees pure although in the midst of impurities.

(122) Nitya-buddhaa नित्यबुध्दा - Ever wise. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 149

(123) Nitya-muktaa नित्यमुक्ता - Ever free. And sure to give salvation. Whose devotees are ever free. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 144

(124) Niraa-dhaaraa निराधारा - Without dependence. Niraadhaaraa also means worshipped in the Niraadhaaraa Manner.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 121
The internal worship of Mother is of two kinds, one with support (Saadhaar साधार) and the other without support, (Niraadhaar निराधार), and the latter is higher. The Saadhaar worship is by mental images ( with form ) and the Niraadhaar worship is by the pure intellect (i.e., without form).
In the Saadhaar worship, Mother should be joyfully worshipped in a figure which may also be made up of sacred syllables. The worship described as Niraadhaar, is the absorption of the understanding ( manolaya मनोलय ) in the meditation of Mother. In reality, pure intellect is by itself nothing else but the Supreme Mother. For the destruction of Samsaar ( worldliness), one should worship the supreme Mother, the Supreme Self, the Witness, the Liberator, being free from the glamour of the manifold universe. By one's own direct experience of supreme Mother, as including, and in that sense identified with oneself. She should be worshipped with much reverence, and it is this worship which leads to salvation.

(125) Niranjanaa निरंजना - Stainless. Stain means imperfection.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 133
There are three kinds of imperfects souls or ( Pashus पशु).
1. The Influenced. (Sakala). 2. The Influenced and Impure.( Pralaya Kala) and 3. The Influenced, Impure and Ignorant. ( Vijnaana-Kevala).
In these three the second has also the duality of the first and the third has both., the duality of the first and the impurity of the second kind.
The Influenced are those who are subject to the influence of the Maayaa, which creates the idea of the duality. These think themselves as separate from Mother, Universe and other souls, and are subject to the influences of the opposite pairs of duality, Happiness and misery, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain etc.
The impure are those who in addition to the above-stated influence are actuated to indulge in evil thoughts, desires and actions as a result of their having been vanquished by desire, pride, avarice, envy, wrathfulness and infatuation, etc.
The ignorant are they who, in addition to the above-said influence and impurity, are entirely in the dark and often of perverted judgment and on the wrong line of action. They suffer from the delusion of seeing self in non-self. The ignorant rush in the mudmire, the impure get dragged into it through with open eyes and knowing the results, and the influenced are able to fairly hold their own under normal circumstances but are not fully proof.
Anjana अंजन means black, Niranjan निरंजन means nullifier of delusive outlook. This Anjana has the quality of veiling ( the real truth ) or perverting the insight and belief about the finalmost unity underlying all infinite diversities, owing to its peculiar quality of making one look through dark and black mentalities spectacles and eyes

(126) Nirlepaa निर्लेपा - Without impurity. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 134
Impurity referred to here is principally of action and mind. Mother makes Her devotees free from the impurities of thought, desire and action. She that keeps Her devotees above any evil influence. Lepa is what strongly sticks and has much a stronger power. It is the impurity which pulls back a man from appreciating and living in purity.
Impurities are of three classes. Anva, Karmik, and Maayik, (1) is constitutional, natural or individualistic depending upon one's nature and physique, permanent conditions of life, environments etc. (2) is due to actions done or being done or anticipated and (3) is due to misunderstanding, ignorance, worldwormness, lack of true understanding and the lack of self-control.

(127) Nirmalaa  निर्मला - Without spot.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 135

She is said to be so because She frees Her devotees from the black spot caused by and resulting in continued duality influence, impurity, darkness, ignorance and confusion.

(128) Nishkaaranaa  निष्कारणा - Without Cause.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 152
Since She is the cause of everything and nothing is the Cause of Her, She is without Cause.
These two names mean that She is final Cause of everything and that a cause is not different from an effect nor is an effect different from a cause. nor is the effect a part or a lesser fragment of the cause.
To understand this point, though very hazily, it may find its parallel in the experience of life and light. Say parents give life to children. the life or consciousness in one who is the only one child of one's parents is in no way more than that in one who is one of the twelve children of one's parents. If from one light you ignite one more light or one hundred more lights, the original light is not diminished, Some worms on being cut into two pieces, show themselves in doubles, each of the doubles showing the same undiminished life as in the original form.

(129) Nishkalaa निष्कला - Without parts.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 140
Parts or apportionings of Mother are by of imagination only, and without any diminution of the original nature. There is no divisibility or splitability, no breakage of wholeness except in imagination temporarily for understanding.

(130) Niravadyaa निर्वद्या - Defectless. Unaffected by any modifications or causes which deteriorate. With nothing missing or nothing that can be made or be better.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 150 
Avadya is also the name of a hell; by her Grace, the devotees escape that hell;" Hence anyone remembers Mother day and night, he never goes to hell as he is cleansed from all sins."

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